Results for 'Jewel Dela Novixoxo'

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  1.  17
    Social risk, green market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and new product performance among European Multinational Enterprises operating in developing economies.Wisdom Wise Kwabla Pomegbe, Courage Simon Kofi Dogbe, Bylon Abeeku Bamfo, Prasad Siba Borah & Jewel Dela Novixoxo - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (4):891-914.
    The current study sought to assess the mediating role of green market orientation dimensions in the relationship between social risk and new product performance among European Multinational Enterprises (EMNEs). We also assessed the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation in the relationship between green market orientation and new product performance. The study was based on primary data gathered from 317 EMNEs in Ghana. After various validity and reliability checks, ordinary least squares (OLS) analysis was performed to estimate the various relationships hypothesized (...)
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    Jewell, from page 9.Paul Jewell - 1993 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 12 (1-2):19-23.
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    References for Jewell, from page 23.Paul Jewell - 1993 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 12 (1-2):46-46.
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    Intellectual Virtues and Reasonable Disagreement.Jewelle Bickel - 2019 - Dissertation, The University of Oklahoma
    The contemporary problem of disagreement has two prominent solutions. The Conciliationists think that after discovering a case of disagreement one should be less certain of one’s original position. Those who favor Conciliatory views tend to think that disagreement is epistemically significant because it causes problems for one’s rationality. The Steadfasters, on the other hand, think that one should maintain one’s belief in the face of a disagreement; thus, disagreement appears a less epistemically significant problem to them. But neither of these (...)
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  5. The great adventure.Louise Pond Jewell - 1911 - New York,: Frederick A. Stokes company.
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    Body Talk: Rhetoric, Technology, Reproduction (review).Jewell Mayberry - 2001 - Symploke 9 (1):200-201.
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  7. The power to believe for reasons.Andrew Jewell - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    An influential view of believing for reasons holds that the reasons for which we believe are causes of our believing. This view has well-known difficulties accounting for the problem of deviant causal chains. I diagnose these difficulties and argue that the problem arises for the causal view because it uses an impoverished set of resources. I offer a novel causal account of believing for reasons that avoids the problem of causal deviance by appealing to teleological resources such as abilities and (...)
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  8. News and notes.Robert Jewell - 1965 - Philosophy East and West 15 (3/4):309.
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    The Meteorological Judgment of Vilhelm Bjerknes.Ralph Jewell - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51.
  10. Current periodicals.Robert Jewell - 1965 - Philosophy East and West 15 (3/4):305.
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  11. Joseph Agassi and Ian Charles Jarvie, eds., Rationality: The Critical View Reviewed by.Robert Jewell - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (4):119-121.
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  12. The meteorological judgment of bjerknes, Vilhelm.R. Jewell - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51 (3):783-807.
  13. Verse: A Four-Leaf Clover Promised.Foster Jewell - 1963 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 44 (2):174.
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  14. Verse: Flower of Response.Foster Jewell - 1964 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 45 (4):459.
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  15. Verse: Mysterious Desert.Foster Jewell - 1966 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 47 (3):349.
  16.  11
    The Art of Enigma: The de Chirico Brothers and the Politics of Modernism.Keala Jane Jewell - 2004 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In this interdisciplinary book, Keala Jewell reunites Giorgio de Chirico with his brother, Alberto Savinio, a prolific writer and painter who has been kept at the margins of the discussion of Surrealism and, more generally, the culture politics of twentieth-century Italy. Yet as Jewell demonstrates, the brothers worked together during their formative years in Munich and Paris and always shared, on the one hand, a drive to salvage Mediterranean myth and history and, on the other, a deep involvement with art’s (...)
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    Haunted by Christ: Modern Writers and the Struggle for Faith.Jewel Spears Brooker - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (1):146-148.
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  18. Civilization and Its Discontents.Jewel Spears Brooker - 1995 - Modern Schoolman 73 (1):59-69.
    This essay argues that the revolt against Cartesian dualism in the early 20th century was pivotal in the development of the modern mind and in the revolution in form that occurred in modern literature and the arts.
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    Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen (Novel Excerpt).Jewell Parker Rhodes - 1990 - Feminist Studies 16 (2):331-344.
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  20. T. E. Hulme and the Twentiety-Century Mind.Jewel Spears Brooker - 1998 - Modern Schoolman 76 (1):67-71.
    A review of the Collected Writings of T. E. Hulme. Argues that Hulme, a philosopher/journist/poet who was killed in WWI, was a forerunner of the 20th-cent. mind, esp. as reflected in modernist poetry (T. S. Eliot, Imagism, Ezra Pound), aesthetics (Wilhelm Worringer), philosophy (Bergson, Jaspers, Wittgenstein), and politics (Charles Maurras, Georges Sorel).
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    Rationality: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature and the Rationale of Reason.Robert D. Jewell - 1990 - Philosophical Books 31 (1):36-38.
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  22.  12
    Teaching as Storytelling: Ontological and Ethical Implications.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - 2015 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 16 (2):158-167.
    My aim in this paper is to explore what Paul Ricoeur's theory of narrative can contribute to the discussior about the nature and aims of education. Debates about what learning is and how teaching ought to be conducted are usually based ontological theories, i.e., claims about the nature of pedagogy and its desiderata. Theories of narrative (seeTaylor 1989, Polkinghorne 1988, Carr 1986, and Mctclntyre 1981, for example) are usually applied to discussions about teaching and research methods. However I want to (...)
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  23.  18
    Practical Reflection.Robert D. Jewell - 1991 - Philosophical Books 32 (2):101-102.
  24.  20
    GPS Ecocache: Connecting Learners to Experience and Place.Lee Beavington & Jesse Jewell - 2018 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 4:161-180.
    The Global Positioning System has been used as an experiential educational tool for nearly twenty years. Innovative educators have expanded the educational use of GPS devices beyond the geocache. This essay uses Leopold’s land ethic as a philosophical framework for relational education, and outlines the practical application of the GPS ecocache. The experiential, place-based ecocache has learners navigate to sites of ecological significance, where they must answer a question or riddle related to this site. We discuss the contradictory nature of (...)
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  25.  33
    Perception and reality.Waldo Jewell-Lapan - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (14):365-373.
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    Pasolini: Deconstructing the Roman Palimpsest.Keala Jane Jewell - 1987 - Substance 16 (2):55.
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    Snake Oil, Sophistry and Sterile Syllogism.Paul Jewell - 1993 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 12 (1-2):9-9.
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    The hidden premise.Paul Jewell - 1991 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 23 (1):79–88.
  29.  1
    Castoriadis e o imaginário antigo: as raízes gregas da autonomia.Sérgio Dela-Sávia - 2022 - Dissertatio:159-175.
    O artigo considera, primeiramente, as análises feitas por Cornelius Castoriadis do fragmento de Anaximandro, onde se trata do apeiron, estabelecendo ali relações originais entre a ideia do indeterminado com pares nocionais fundamentais do imaginário grego antigo tais como khaos/kosmos e hubris/dikè. É em torno dessas noções que o filósofo vê o desdobramento dos valores que se formaram no mundo grego possibilitando, então, o questionamento do ser e do mundo. Pretende-se verificar em que medida essas significações imaginárias sociais, expressas particularmente nessas (...)
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  30. Indigenous and feminist ecological reflections on feminist care ethics : encounters of care, absence, punctures, and offerings.Andrea Doucet, Eva Jewell & Vanessa Watts - 2024 - In Sophie Bourgault, Maggie FitzGerald & Fiona Robinson (eds.), Decentering epistemologies and challenging privilege: critical care ethics perspectives. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
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    The Philosophy of Matter in the Atomic Era.Robert Jewell - 1965 - Philosophy East and West 15 (3):297-299.
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    Laughter: A Scientific Investigation.Grant Jewell Rich - 2001 - Anthropology of Consciousness 12 (2):61-63.
    Laughter:. Scientific Investigation. By Robert R. Provine. 2000. New York: Viking. $24.95 (cloth).
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    Le bien commun comme réponse politique à la mondialisation.Olivier Delas & Christian Deblock (eds.) - 2003 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    La mondialisation est un des traits dominants de la société internationale contemporaine. Mais alors que celle-ci se traduit par une interdépendance et une interpénétration à un niveau global de fonctions traditionnellement locales, la société internationale demeure encore principalement organisée autour des Etats souverains et de leurs prérogatives territorialement limitées, restreignant d'autant la portée de toutes actions et décisions collectives. Le concept de bien commun pourrait être un moyen de cristalliser les conditions de légitimité indispensable à toute action collective et à (...)
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    Toward a Scientific Theory of Terrorism.Roberta Senechal Dela Roche - 2004 - Sociological Theory 22 (1):1-4.
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    Ethical Dilemmas in the Lived Experience of Nursing Practice.Carrol Gold, Jewell Chambers & Eileen McQuaid Dvorak - 1995 - Nursing Ethics 2 (2):131-142.
    Through a series of semistructured interviews with 12 nurses delivering direct patient care in acute, long-term and home care settings, information was sought regarding the ethical concerns of practicing nurses. Although these nurses frequently did not specifically identify the areas of expressed concern as ethical in nature, thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews uncovered four major ethical areas of concern common to these 12 nurses. These areas are: (1) Withholding of information and truth-telling; (2) Unequal access or inequalities in care; (...)
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    Corporate Governance and Corruption: Ethical Dilemmas of Asian Business Groups.Marie Dela Rama - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):501-519.
    This study looks at how the corporate governance of family-owned business groups, the most dominant form of private sector organising in Asia, deals with different forms of corruption during the course of common business transactions. As a part of an ethnographic study conducted in 2007 to look at the impact of corporate governance reforms in the Philippines, one of the emergent themes from the study was the presence of significant corruption in the business environment of the country. A total of (...)
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  37.  23
    Agroecology in the North: Centering Indigenous food sovereignty and land stewardship in agriculture “frontiers”.Mindy Jewell Price, Alex Latta, Andrew Spring, Jennifer Temmer, Carla Johnston, Lloyd Chicot, Jessica Jumbo & Margaret Leishman - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1191-1206.
    Warming temperatures in the circumpolar north have led to new discussions around climate-driven frontiers for agriculture. In this paper, we situate northern food systems in Canada within the corporate food regime and settler colonialism, and contend that an expansion of the conventional, industrial agriculture paradigm into the Canadian North would have significant socio-cultural and ecological consequences. We propose agroecology as an alternative framework uniquely accordant with northern contexts. In particular, we suggest that there are elements of agroecology that are already (...)
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  38.  63
    When Your Country Cannot Care for Itself: A Filipino Feminist Critique of Care-Based Political Theories.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - 2020 - Kritike 14 (1):122-139.
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  39.  15
    A Política da Linguagem Em Rousseau.Mauro Dela Bandera - 2019 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (30).
    O Ensaio sobre a origem das línguas expõe o momento em que as línguas se enfraquecem, abrindo caminho para o cortejo da violência. O livro apresenta o lugar do discurso nos tempos antigos em oposição ao seu não-lugar nos tempos modernos, ou seja, a mudança do lugar da eloquência na antiguidade para a idade moderna. Aos olhos de Rousseau, as línguas – assim como os homens – estão profundamente atreladas ao tempo e, por conseguinte, em constantes transformações. Elas seguem as (...)
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    Motivações sociais e rendimento acadêmico universitário.José Augusto Augusto Dela Coleta, Dinorah Maria de Almeida E. Borges & Marília Ferreira Dela Coleta - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 17 (33):47-62.
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    O tempo e o agir: considerações sobre as relações entre o pensar e o problema do mal em Hannah Arendt.Sérgio Dela-Sávia - 2011 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 19:157-179.
    The question that interests us here can be thus formulated: what is the place of thinking in the structure of the ethical practice? In other words, how does that “mind’s activity”, commonly opposed to the action, lies itself in the practical reasoning capable of signing an ethical sense to the action? Whatever is the relation that we can establish between the thinking and the good, between the aiming of the good and the act that makes it effective, we can ask (...)
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  42.  25
    Pasolini "Provencal"?Massimo Cacciari & Keala Jane Jewell - 1987 - Substance 16 (2):67.
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    Cynthia Kaufman. Consumerism, Sustainability, and Happiness: How to Build a World Where Everyone Has Enough.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - 2023 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 24 (2).
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    Apresentação Dossiê Castoriadis.Sérgio Dela-Savia - 2022 - Dissertatio:3-3.
    Reunindo pesquisadores e intelectuais do Brasil, da França, da Bélgica e do Canadá nesse “Dossiê Cornelius Castoriadis”, a Revista Dissertatio celebra o centenário de nascimento desse que continua um pensador a ser descoberto e redescoberto pelo público brasileiro.
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  45. Christine Abigail L. Tan. Freedom’s Frailty: Self-Realization in the Neo-Daoist Philosophy of Guo Xiang's Zhuangzi.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - 2025 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 26 (1).
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    Why Social Movements Need Philosophy (A Reply to "Feminism without Philosophy: A Polemic" by Jeremiah Joven Joaquin.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - 2017 - Kritike 11 (1):1-9.
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    Yes, We Are Angry in advance.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - forthcoming - Philosophy and Global Affairs.
    Using Kate Manne’s ameliorative definition of misogyny as a framework, the author details four key misogynistic assumptions she has encountered in the academe, specifically in the field of philosophy. She shows that such assumptions are remarkably persistent, underpinning attitudes and policies that have directly contributed to the denigration and exclusion of women in field.
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    The Apotheosis of the Voice in Alberto Moravia's "Vita interiore".Biancamaria Frabotta & Keala Jewell - 1987 - Substance 16 (2):44.
  49.  24
    Domestic Paths to Altered States and Transformations of Consciousness.Grant Jewell Rich - 2001 - Anthropology of Consciousness 12 (2):1-3.
    This is an interview with author Ken Wilber, whose work on consciousness over the last twenty‐five years has been tremendously influential. His work blends "Eastern" and "Western" approaches and has influenced scholars in psychology, philosophy, and religion, as well as in anthropology. His work on transpersonal psychology is especially well‐known, and his first book, The Spectrum of Consciousness, arguably marks the beginning of transpersonal studies. Frances Vaughan has referred to Wilber's work as the "work of genius." Daniel Goleman once listed (...)
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  50. Books received. [REVIEW]Robert Jewell - 1965 - Philosophy East and West 15 (3/4):301.
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